Always Remember...

This is still a mature and classy environment, no matter what crazy, cool, funky, joy the pictures may display. Leave the grown and sexy at home...thank you.

Monday, 5 November 2007

I'm Easily Amused

...and this blog will be evidence to that. I know you want the touristy pictures and updates on what I'm doing (at least I hope you want to know what I'm doing), but I'm not a tourist. I'm an almost fully functioning graduate student. These are mostly pictures of these I find amusing based on my previous life experiences...and hey I'm easily amused. Hopefully you will be amused too. But don't be disappointed, please check back...this is my photojournal of real life in a city that's almost as great as my hometown. Enjoy, Comment, Email me.....

HAUL (Holla At U Lata ...its my personal copyrighted acronym)
The Queen

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